
To introspective hypnosis

What does your soul need to heal?

Questions? Contact me



Sometimes in life, we all have experiences that are beyond our ability to consciously process in the moment. We might set our feelings and reactions aside to deal with later or even block them out altogether. When we set these experiences aside for ourselves in the future, where are we setting them? Even if we forget about them on the surface or manage to keep kicking the can down the road, our subconscious mind and our soul never forget. The event is still alive somewhere, waiting to be acknowledged. We move on and don’t realize that the residual stored emotions from these events might be causing symptoms, phobias, relationship patterns, addictions—the list goes on.

The intention in this style of hypnosis is to allow your subconscious to take you to where it needs to go in order to heal. Because it doesn’t forget anything, it knows exactly where to go. It might take you to forgotten moments in childhood, a past life, or even somewhere in your body where emotions and energy have been stored. From this place, you will have the opportunity to consciously observe, process, and resolve the experience altogether.

I was taught this method by my mentor, Antonio Sangio, who developed the techniques based on his apprenticeship with Aurelio Mejia, as well as his time studying under Michael Newton (author of Journey of Souls, a book that changed my life) and Dolores Cannon. The difference between the IH technique and the techniques of Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon is that in my sessions, we are seeking with the purpose of transorming our lives rather than seeking purely out of curiousity. In my sessions we are also curious, but we have the intention of discovering what we need to see in order to heal.

My sessions are available online via Zoom. Please email me to book specific times and days that you don’t see available on my calendar. In-person sessions are available in Gainesville, FL by request only.